maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2012

Finland flaunts UN in support for Al Qaeda-linked terror (RT13.2.2012)

The 65th anniversary of the Paris Peace Treaty on February 10 shed light on a disturbing fact. Although the treaty allowed Finland to join the UN, the country is now flaunting a Security Council ban on supporting terror organizations like Al Qaeda.

The Security Council’s Al Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee requires countries to block all resources going to Al Qaeda-linked terrorist Doku Umarov and Emarat Kavkaz (Caucasus Emirate), a terrorist organization.

At the anniversary round table meeting, experts discussed this curious situation. A range of international instruments – such as UN counterterrorism sanctions – are applicable to terrorist offences. And yet unfortunately, Finland has not complied with the sanctions against Al-Qaeda.

Finland accepts not only Storsjö’s questionable affairs but also the open support of Ms. Heidi Hautala, the Minister for International Development, for the above-mentioned web center and its anti-Russian activities.

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--> Read more: RT (Russia Today) 13 February, 2012

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tiistai 7. helmikuuta 2012

Corruption investigations a front for color revolution push (RT 07 February, 2012)

Dollar-funded corruption probes by international organizations, foreign election observer missions may sound worthy, but in reality are often “color revolution” tools for creating political unrest. Now they are fostering anti-Russian sentiment.

The politicization of organizations such as Freedom House (FH), the Open Society Institute, the Economist Intelligence Unit and Transparency International, which churn out corruption investigations, impedes the resolution of corruption issues. “Corruption investigations” have in fact become instruments of political propaganda.

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Read more: Russia Today 7.2.2012

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torstai 2. helmikuuta 2012

Зачем все эти люди ходили в посольство США? (3 февраля, 23:25)

Зачем все эти люди ходили в посольство США?
Тайная бухгалтерия «цветных» революций.
Как дипломаты собирают компромат?
Как распределяют зарубежные гранты и что потом потребуют взмен?
«Заграница им поможет» — спецвыпуск программы «ЧП. Расследование».

Huomenna 3. helmikuuta 2012 kello 21:25 Suomen aikaa
* Miksi nämä ihmiset menivät Yhdysvaltain suurlähetystöön?
* "Värivallankumouksen" salainen kirjanpito
* Miten diplomaatit keräävät todisteita?
* Miten ulkomaat jakavat avustuksia ja mitä vaativat vastikkeeksi?
* "Ulkomaat auttavat heitä" -erityisnumero ohjelmasssa «ЧП. Расследование» (NTV)

Otin osaa kyseisen NTV-kanavan tutkivan erityisnumeron keskusteluihin ja valmisteluihin viikko sitten. NTV kyseli esimerkiksi, mikä outo vihayhteisö Finrosforum on sekä mitä Finrosforumin jäsenistä Heidi Hautala ja Mikael Storsjö tavoittelevat toimillaan?

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No comments in my blog, but you can find my phone number GSM +7911 2970525 (in Russia) +358 44 322 2661 (in Finland) or my email juhamolari-Ä or rtmolari-Ä (см. -ÄT- = @). You can discuss with me in Facebook

Юха Молaри: Домашняя страница – Juha Molari: Homepage

RT blogi: It's time, my friend: it's time

Юха Молари: Пресс-Портрет (YANDEX)

СМИ и Юха Молaри (коллекция)