lauantai 10. joulukuuta 2011

Finland terror: RT columnist assaulted by host of extremist website

Juha Molari, a former Lutheran priest and regular RT contributor, arrived at the Finnish-Russia Forum only to be strong-armed back onto the street by the publisher of a Helsinki-based website that supports Chechen terrorists.

Molari told RT he was registered to attend the conference, which opened with a lecture on the elections in Russia delivered by the Forum's VP. However, upon entering the Sofia Center where the event is being held, he was refused access by forum board member and controversial activist Mikael Storsjo.

Read more: Russia Today

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RT blogi: It's time, my friend: it's time

Юха Молари: Пресс-Портрет (YANDEX)

СМИ и Юха Молaри (коллекция)

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