On Saturday evening 24 September, I became aware through a Finnish tabloid newspaper and a friend's phone call that the cathedral court [lat. Domus capituli] of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church in the city of Espoo, Finland, had proclaimed a new judgment against me: I have no right to use the special priest’s clothing during the next three-month period. The cathedral court told their judgment to the press rather than directly to me. I ask, of course, “so what?”
The new sentence does not imply any change in my situation, which began in April 2011, when the cathedral court stopped payment of wages and my rights to work as a priest. “This three-month period” is some kind fake sentence: it does not mean that the church would offer a job and then salary to me. Our bishop is now retired, and he decided to make a final decision before his retirement. The public notice was just bullying against me.
Read more: Russia Today (RT)
See also: RT Finnish priest’s anti-terror campaign backfires – again
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RT blogi: It's time, my friend: it's time
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СМИ и Юха Молaри (коллекция)